• Victor Rolfe
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  • Added 26 Jun 2007
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Cake (from a KMT photo)

I started this one aboard c.s. Wave Venture, when she was alongside in Victoria, B.C. - in April, 2007 Due to pressures of work, I was not able to finish it until after I got back in the Philippines, in June, 2007

Anyway, this painting was far to long in the making and it has been totally overworked... Still, not to worry, at least it IS a painting. (As in, at least I finally managed to do something with my art and get back into some kind of creativity mode...)

12" X 16" (30cm X 40.5cm) Mostly Schmincke soft pastels - with some Unison pastels, on Canson Mi Teintes paper

I'm not going to bother framing this one, (unless someone decides to buy it when I have my exhibition in Ermita, Manila - date not fixed yet: subject to available funds!) It'll just go into my portfolio case in order to preserve it for a future laugh!


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John Cappello 07 Jun 2013

Very fresh. Beautiful bright colors. Love the shades of the the skin

sandeep khapra 23 Sep 2007

other than the beautiful portrait i like the background. interesting.

Emily Reed 26 Jun 2007

Very cool imagery!!!!