• June Steward
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 216 of 331
  • Added 30 May 2007
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Mother & Child

Such a strong connection, even when disconnected...


Anonymous Guest

manushya van Pelt 05 Mar 2008

very various work, Very good

cat delaleu 26 Jul 2007

Yeah, I dig this one a lot, great work. I can see this as a book cover

mr_angas_04 mrincomplete 02 Jun 2007

woW ! ! hOw did yOu do ThaT?? cAn i asK a QuesTion iF yOur acCouNt is upgRAded?!

Tabitha Borges 01 Jun 2007

this so moving...

Waldemar Max 31 May 2007

I love the colors and the composition, very well done!!

annette steens 31 May 2007

Good done this reunion! When you see this one as a very small pic it's rather strong! Great!

Gordon Christie 31 May 2007

Beautifully put together. Suggestive of someone who lives half in this world and half in another, wherever that may be. Many of your images suggest that to me. Is that "someone" you?

Artist Reply: So insightful, Gordon. It is me (not the photo) but yes, someone who lives very much in two different worlds--the internal and external self.

Gordon Christie 31 May 2007

Beautifully put together. Suggestive of someone who lives half in this world and half in another, wherever that may be. Many of your images suggest that to me. Is that "someone" you?

Artist Reply: So insightful, Gordon. It is me (not the photo) but yes, someone who lives very much in two different worlds--the internal and external self.

Chris Roukema 30 May 2007

Exellent work!

Artist Reply: Chris, thank you! All of you keep me wanting to keep on doing...

jamie winter 30 May 2007

wonderful June

Artist Reply: Thank you, Jamie, means so much!

Laurie Rawdon 30 May 2007

Wonderful work June...you choose such perfect images to convey your meaning

Artist Reply: Laurie, thank you so much for your comment. I think I'm on a constant journey of trying to speak...

Joke Schotting 30 May 2007

Awesome work June my pic off the day!!

Artist Reply: I was so bummed from work, I stayed up late doing this. I didn't know where it was going, but I'm glad you like it...

Joanna Jungjohann 30 May 2007

wishing you peace dear june, I love your work, It is always so meaningful ~~~

Artist Reply: I love you, babe! Thank you...

Michael Easter 30 May 2007

each one of your photographs is a narration in itself. You have this prodigal way of expressing the most notable works of art into stories. So awesome.

Artist Reply: Hi Michael, you make me want to work harder at storytelling. It's one of my dreams.

Christine brand 30 May 2007

Great work, love the thought and the presentation, ponderful blending of images and love

Artist Reply: Thank you, Christine. I appreciate your thoughtful comment.

Emily Reed 30 May 2007


Artist Reply: Emily, thank you so much for your encouraging comments!