• Cristina Marsi
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  • Added 05 Feb 2007
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The Magical Arrows

...The day before the battle Dolasilla was sitting on the bank of the Green Lake, her heart full of sorrow... she missed Ey de Net and was unwilling to fight. Suddenly from within the mists over the lake a figure emerged - it was an old Anguana, a wise woman who lives near the water. Dolasilla opened her heart to her and the woman comforted the princess by assuring her that Ey de Net was already on his way back to the Fanes valley. The Anguana also gave Dolasilla a magic powder telling her to strew it on the water surface. As Dolasilla obeyed, magic silver reeds grew on the lake's bank. The Anguana told her to pick them and to have them forged into arrows: with these arrow the princess would have been able to destroy the evil wizard. And so it was done and everything was ready for the battle...

This is chapter 3 in the Fanes saga. Since I'm uploading the pictures as soon as they are ready there are some chapters stil missing. You need to be patient ;)

Watercolor pencils on Fabriano Drawing paper. 30*40 cm

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Anonymous Guest

X-Chel 21 Oct 2014

Brilliant, quite brilliant! Do you know any good book in English, that features myths and legends of the Dolomites, including the Fanes Saga?

Amy Jordan 22 Feb 2007

Fantastic work!

Michael Forbus 06 Feb 2007

Christina, excellent watercolor. Lovely detail and the narrative is most excellent. Miguel

William Boyer 06 Feb 2007


Lilli Ladewig 06 Feb 2007

Besonders gefällt mir, dass Du eine starke Frau (woman power) ausgewählt hast.