• Jayde Hilliard
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  • Image 46 of 71
  • Added 01 Jan 2007
  • 2 Favorites
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Madame Perle Noir

Arrr Mateys! Here I am trying something new. I have been a long time admirer of vintage-- the clothing, hair style, cars, pin ups, almost everything! As a matter of fact, I own many many art books, and the largest amount of them are pin-up in subject. So, after long thoughts and ponderings, and coming up with a decent sketch, I decided to stretch out my talents and bit and see how I did a sort of mimicking of the style of the great pin-up artists such as Elvgren and Vargas. Also, I like shiny things, and vinyl is shiny and fun to paint. As well as pirates. So, here we go, here's a black pearl adorned siren of the vintage persuasion. :) prints available at www.jaydehilliard.com


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dina lestari 31 Aug 2007

yup.. i agree with you.. sometimes fashion inspired us.. if we like shiny things or certain colors it will affected our artwork. and your artwork is so beautifully done..

Chris Williams 02 Jan 2007


Jerry 01 Jan 2007

Very flashy, bold and delightful picture!

Leah Jaarveth 01 Jan 2007

she is awesome!