• Carliss Mora
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  • Image 260 of 463
  • Added 28 Dec 2006
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Long Island, NY

Long Island,, NY concert. Photo by KarenEh.


Anonymous Guest

Jerrie Glasper 16 Jan 2007

What a talent you are and what a sensitivity to your subject. You have left far behind any iota of mediocrity. You're masterful at what you do.

Artist Reply: Jerrie, you are to intelligent, too kind, and too talented for such words for me. I want to thank you, though!!! :))

Armando Salas 31 Dec 2006

What can I say? Amazing!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Armando!

John Graham Inkson 31 Dec 2006

Very well captured. Well done.

Artist Reply: Thank you, John! I surely thought I replied to this comment. Sorry.

Ralph Miller 30 Dec 2006

wow 48 comments guess you don't need another (winks) Great piece !

Artist Reply: Awwwhh! Come on, you know that half those are replies! LOL!! If you don't leave one, I'll try to find out why, and you know it! So, thank you for going ahead and writing one anyway!!

karen bellows 29 Dec 2006

Wonderful Cezanne! As always...an excellent job with the eyes and the nose is exquisite. Love it.

Artist Reply: Rohdy, Wow! So glad you like it!! Thank you!
Artist Reply: Thank you , Rohdy! If you love it, then I must have done it alright.

Francis Rivera 29 Dec 2006

Very nice! Love his expression! ^_^

Artist Reply: Francis, you know I appreciate both you and your comments, always! Thank you!!!!

Jerry 29 Dec 2006

Superb portrait!

Artist Reply: I am very grateful and appreciative of you wonderful comments and support, Jerry! Thank you!

Loredana 28 Dec 2006


Artist Reply: Loredana, the caps in your great comment, tell me what I needed to know! Thank you!!!

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 28 Dec 2006

Stunning work for a work of art that is not yet completed!!!Your talent is Increasing!!!Wow!!!Great art,my Friend!!!I will be waiting for the completion!!!:)

Artist Reply: I am absolutely gratefulf, and thank you, always, Dee for your gracious support!!

Jacqueline Bishop 28 Dec 2006

well done, you have the magic touch when it comes to drawing!

Artist Reply: Hi Jacqueline, I am very much appreciative of your great comment! Thanks, many times over!!!!

thea walstra 28 Dec 2006

Excellent work Carliss. You become better and better with your portrait art

Artist Reply: Those words are tremendously helpful, Thea! Thanks, both for viewing my work, and commenting, too!!

Tom and Susan Repasky 28 Dec 2006

Another masterfully executed piece of art Carliss!! Bravo to you!!! ~S

Artist Reply: Susan, I love having you come to comment, and view! Thanks, and know that I am grateful!!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 28 Dec 2006


Artist Reply: Nelly, your one word says so much! Thank you!!!

Joke Schotting 28 Dec 2006

Fantastic work Carliss!!!

Artist Reply: Joke, I'm so glad, and grateful for your comment! Thanks so much!!

Renata Cavanaugh 28 Dec 2006

Amazing job once again Carliss. Happy New Year to you

Artist Reply: Renata! Thank you a million times over, and hope you have a Happy New Year, as well!

Thomas Broadfoot 28 Dec 2006

It is a fantastic pencil work

Artist Reply: Thomas, I am grateful to you for your wonderful comment! Thanks so very much!!

Emily Reed 28 Dec 2006


Artist Reply: Thank you, Emily! It is great to have you come here with such great comments!!

cynthia berridge 28 Dec 2006

gorgeous pencil art work

Artist Reply: Cynthia, I will hate having to go back to work next week, and miss doing work that will get your great comments! Thanks so much!

Martha Miller 28 Dec 2006

Very nice portrait carliss

Artist Reply: Martha, I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you!

Anonymous Guest 28 Dec 2006

Love this and it is absoluely exquisite. You do the glasses so very good. You are the master at catching the look of Clay. Thank you! Jackie

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Jackie! Exquisite, is a word I use often, but this is the first, I think, for my work!

bert cortes 28 Dec 2006

Another terrific pencil work, Carliss.

Artist Reply: I appreciate your comments, always, Bert! Thank you!

Jean M. Laffitau 28 Dec 2006


Artist Reply: Jean, I appreciate you comment so very much! Thank you!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 28 Dec 2006

Wow, carliss! Glasses aren't hard enough, youo have to have the reflectionson the face! Beautiful attention to detail, and as always, AMAZING ability to communicate direction of light. BRAVO!!!

Artist Reply: Janet!! Goodly morning to you! Thanks so much! I'm trying to turn a corner, if you will. If I can't do it better, I quit. Now I must finally go to bed. Up all night!

bianca 28 Dec 2006

I dont know what u doing carliss with these beautiful art work....and how often u sell it...but there is way to sell them fast...This is just OUTSTANDING and talent like this should never go unoticed.....awsome work u do...

Artist Reply: Thank you, Bianca! No, I have donated two, to a children's fundraiser auction