• Christiane Doré
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 22 of 23
  • Added 26 Jul 2003
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The Waiting

By the candle light, protected from the unknown, behind the familiar door, patiently we often wait for the right moment to make a change. When bravely, we finally to set foot onto strange grounds, past experiences teamed with new knowledges will make our fortress fall or rise depending on wether this newly discovered world will inspire confidence or not...

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Tim Linville 27 Mar 2014

Excellently Expressed Themework.A Great Scene Perspective!

Marcel LorAnge 29 Apr 2006

Just stumbled upon this creation of yours Christiane and it still touches me, you have a way of painting scenes that say a lot my dear friend.

Renata Cavanaugh 28 Jul 2005

Beautiful painting

Tyler Warren 30 Jun 2004

like watching for a date to arrive, or parents to get home, really well done.

Shelley Potter 11 Mar 2004

Your paintings speak truth, and their wonderfull to view.