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mixed media with some watercolor and ink, lastly digital... maybe more later...


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Fiona Robinson 19 Oct 2010

great work, i am a visual arts student and we are doing photoshop at the moment which i am struggling with even the basics - it is nice to see what you can really do if you can get your head around it:)

Artist Reply: How nice of you to say so... I usually cheat a little though and use some watercolor...

John Fish 30 Apr 2008

such beautiful colors. wonderfully created works

Robin Mead 16 Apr 2008

Lovely texture style and colors...Great!!!

Artist Reply: Very nice of you Robin - the triptychs I did are just about my favs myself.... hope you never get tird of it!... that's the goal! best egards

Anonymous Guest 23 Feb 2008

Such Passionate Wonderful Colors .... Sucks you in! Paula

linda duffy 18 Feb 2007

great digi sidney glad im having a chance 2 view it i missed this somwhere along the line ....and mayb more later ..i dunno i think like all ur pieces they are wat they are and speak 4 demselves if u no wat i mean cheers linda

Artist Reply: ...there's much more to be said, but for now, many thanks.... SO