• Carliss Mora
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  • Image 293 of 463
  • Added 06 Nov 2006
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My Top Part of Alan Zinn

I got a message. It said "draw me." So, I did.


Anonymous Guest

Joanna Jungjohann 15 May 2007

ERM. . . . ?. . . MORE PLEASE?

Artist Reply: He said for me not to put up the other half. What a party pooper.

Janet Gioffre Harrington 20 Dec 2006

REALLY...where's the rest? Kidding. We're on prime time!! I'm CERTAIN it looks just like him!!

Artist Reply: It's looking downward, band and all! Thanks so much!

Tabitha Borges 13 Nov 2006

wow what great work you do on portait... make you want one too...

Artist Reply: Why that is such a nice thing to say!! Thank you Tabitha, and want you to know that I am so grateful!!!

Anonymous Guest 13 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: Thank you guest!!! You are right, too!!!

marc doutherd 10 Nov 2006

Wow He's one lucky cat!wonderful work!

Artist Reply: Well, it was to fulfill a little request! Thank you for saying that Marc!

bianca 09 Nov 2006

wonderful hand of an artist u have carliss....awsome job....

Artist Reply: Hey there, Bianca!!! Thanks a million for your comment!!!

Lynnda Rakos 09 Nov 2006

Carliss, This is awesome!!!

Artist Reply: Lynnda! Thank you!!!

Brad Wadlow 09 Nov 2006

Fantastic job!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Brad!! Your comment is very appreciated!!!!

debbie collier 08 Nov 2006

Excellent work!!

Artist Reply: Debbie, your comment is so appreciated!! Thank you!!!

Penny Myers 08 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: Thank you Penny!! He wrote that he did!!!!!!!

Nira Dabush 08 Nov 2006

Superb portrait work ,marvelous pencil's work,Carliss

Artist Reply: Nira, You're wonderful, and a wonderful artist!!! Thanks so much for taking time out to visit, and comment on my work!!!

Ginger Lovellette 07 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: Great, Ginger!!! Thank you much, for your expressive, and wonderful comment!!

karen bellows 07 Nov 2006

Oh Cezanne! I like this! Very, very nice!

Artist Reply: Hi Rohdy!!! You really like it, huh? It's something that came as a surprise! I respect this artist, and his work extremely, very much, so actually it was an honor, of sorts. Thanks so much for the comment!!!

Francis Rivera 07 Nov 2006

Very nice details! ^_^

Artist Reply: Really appreciative, Francis!! Thank you!!!

Cathie Brock 07 Nov 2006

As always great work Carliss...Cath xxx

Artist Reply: As ever, Cathie, I am thankful, and grateful for your comment!!!!

Anonymous Guest 07 Nov 2006

Splendid work Carliss

Artist Reply: Dear gracious anonymous guest, thank you so much for your comment!!!

debbie braswell 07 Nov 2006

great work carliss as always

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie, for your very appreciated comment!!!

VICKI 07 Nov 2006

I love it...:):):)

Artist Reply: Great! Thank you very much Vicki!!

Olga van Dijk 06 Nov 2006

What a great portraiture this is Carliss!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Olga! Hopefully, the finished version will see it's way through the upload.

joan warburton 06 Nov 2006

Yes, looks like Alan. Great job!

Artist Reply: Joan, I hope so!! I am grateful that you gave the time to check it out!! Thank you Joan!!!

Loredana 06 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: Yes, Loredana! You got it right! He looks different than the other pictures, I've seen. Thank you, and I appreciate your comment!!

Emily Reed 06 Nov 2006

WEll that is a great facial expression, and this is going to be masterful.

Artist Reply: I hope so!! Thank you Emily!!!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 06 Nov 2006

love these dark glasses!! great portrait, Carliss!!

Artist Reply: Yes, Alan wears them well!!! Thanks so much, Nelly!!!

Joke Schotting 06 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: Joke, I appreciate your comment, now and for always!!!