• Sandy Wiech
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  • Added 31 Oct 2006
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Samhain Blessings

The Wheel of the Year turns, and with it comes celebration, for this is the Celtic New Year. The veils between the worlds are at their thinnest this day, so that those who have passed on can most easily move on to the next world. It is a day of rememberance and joy, as we remember those who have passed on. It is also a day of reflection. Focus on that which you seek to work on, and begin your inward journey of discovery in the coming darkness of Winter. For as surely as Persephone returned to the world and brought it into bloom, so, too, will you bloom as you venture forth into the realm of self-discovery. Blessed be, and Happy New Year Leanan Daz/PS7


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 25 Nov 2007


Kukua Akumanyi 02 Nov 2006

Beautiful image and a wonderful write up... she have a look of Liv Tyler about her....

Artist Reply: Thank-you... I used a face morph that had very similar features.... narrow nose , high cheekbones... and those lipS!!!! Thanks again Leanan

Mira McNeil 01 Nov 2006

Oooh, very nicely done! The kitty reminds me of my poor CQ, who passed away last year. Love the colouring. Mira

Artist Reply: Thanks Mira.... perhaps CQ was channelled in this Samhain render!!! Hugs, Lea

Emily Reed 01 Nov 2006

Wonderful creativity! Very wonderful!!! Love the kitty, Sandy!

Artist Reply: Thank-you Emily.... I so wish I could have a cat... I had a nice black one such as this as a child, but alas..my oldest is alllergic...