• Terry Harris
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  • Added 29 Oct 2006
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River Rocks

Along the shore of the Merced River I found a wonderful spot of calm clear water. The rocks were wonderful to sit down and take a break and enjoy the natural environment. The river changes in color, flow, an even in rock formations along the shore and in it. I loved this one shore line I stopped to walk along and enjoy a sunny Autumn day.

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Anonymous Guest

Blue Doll 30 Oct 2006

nice shot Terry!!!:o)

Artist Reply: Thanks Blue Doll so much! I loved the look of this spot, and hope to build some water fountains and ponds on my property when I move and start my new gardens I've lots of rocks from around the world to use, all sorts of clors, textures, and sizes. Moving them is the hardest part of the move. Some of them are 50 pounds. LOL! Movers hate me.

Carliss Mora 29 Oct 2006

Wonderful, Terry! Love your fine photography!

Artist Reply: Thank you Carliss. I am a newbie to taking other than family photos. I look for what I would paint, and that seems to be all I need to do, besides use a decent camera and get out to look for. A very healthy form of art. I am enjoying getting out and about.

debbie collier 29 Oct 2006

Awesome shot!!!! Really pretty!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debbie! The rive is a beautiful one that flows from the waterfalls and goes for miles. I couldn't get a good shot, but the water shimmers from all the fool's gold that is in it. Real gold can also be panned in it. I've some nuggets from the river and creeks that feed it.

Loredana 29 Oct 2006


Artist Reply: Thanks Loredana! I will be back in that area in a month, and ight get some snow shots.

Emily Reed 29 Oct 2006

How truly beautiful!

Artist Reply: Thank you Emily! The riverhas so many beautiful spots to see. I will enjoy being able to explore and take more photos in the future in this area.