• Terry Harris
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  • Added 28 Oct 2006
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Green Kalidiscope

This is a kalisiscope I created by adding some effects and tubes from some software to a digital painting I did, and manipulated. Tubes, sometimes called stamps, are a way to place an object such as a flower, a bead, over and over. Sometimes in random mode of the chosen item, which can also have a group of items in it. You can create your own in some programs, download some, but you need to follow the copyright laws on them. I used Corel and Jasc software tubes /stamps for this one. I am in the process of learning to make my own, and will use them in my works when I make the ones I want. So, if you ever see the same stamped image it maybe that it's from the same software I am using. I will post when I make tubes I do not want others to copy from my work, and at a later time, may sell/share my personal tubes. At moment, no time to get into that. You can find more about them and sources of these in a search for painttubes on line.

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Anonymous Guest

cynthia berridge 07 Nov 2006

stunning effect and colours

Artist Reply: Thank you Cynthia! I had a request for something in green, so did a few works. Greens are fun to work with, as I feel green is accociated with life.

Blue Doll 30 Oct 2006

wonderfull.... very green though hihih but O so beautyfull!!! :o)

Artist Reply: LOL! Did some gree art for Misty Livingstone, her favorite color. Will be trying different colors in new designs I'm working on. Trying to get a large variety to group framed together on a wall, like a quilt. It would be separate works like this, but work together with colors as well. Probalby work in a quilt design as a finaly touch. A 3-1 area project.

William Boyer 28 Oct 2006

opened my eyes. great job

Artist Reply: Thanks William for your comments. I always love to experiment with colors, designs, and textures.

Olga van Dijk 28 Oct 2006

WOW... bright and shiny greens!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Olga! Green is a lush color to work with.

Emily Reed 28 Oct 2006

Awesome art, my friend!

Artist Reply: Thank you Emily! The water droplets made a cool design element in this one.