• Cynthia Fisher
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  • Added 25 Oct 2006
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Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me Who am I? Who was I? I used to be one whole person made up of a thousand little pieces. Now I am parts of a person with pieces missing and scattered. When did this happen and how did it happen? I gave away little pieces here and there, hoping to replace those pieces with something better, more love more soul, more&security. Those things never materialized. I now look for all of the pieces, a habit that now takes up most of my time. I pile up the bits that I can find trying to fit them together like pieces of a puzzle without the picture. Each time I think I have finished I look down to see other pieces have disappeared. In the end will all of the pieces be brought back together like light being sucked into a black hole, or will the remaining pieces of me fall away revealing my unencumbered soul in all its glory? I close my eyes and drift& ~Cyndi 2006


Anonymous Guest

Lisa Weber 29 Oct 2006

Excellent, very creative thoughts and imagery!

Emilio B. Campo-Diaz 27 Oct 2006

Lovely creative work, I like it.

Loredana 26 Oct 2006


Arlene Ehleben 26 Oct 2006

Awesome work and writing!