• Terry Harris
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  • Added 11 Oct 2006
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Burning Memories Won't Release Them

I did this by painting it digitally, not a manipulation. I used a Wacom tablet and wirelss stylus pen. Memories,often one wants to forget them, sometimes rip up or burn items that remind you of painful, terrible times, or guilt. You may think you can burn away a memory, but it often lingers to pop back at you. Those guilty of harming others will have memories not only to be ashamed of, but ones you cannot release by burning them. Those that were harmed by such painful acts may take comfort in this. I have forgiven those that have harmed me, and moved on. I grew stronger because I faced my fears, dumped the guilt, and focused on the positives in life to appreciate. This one is a personal one. I faced some fears this summer and let them go. It was a huge relief and I am so much stronger and happier because of it. I had advoided someone for years, because of what the abuse they had done to me as a young child. I feel pity for them, and no longer fear them. Life is too short, too beautiful, to dwell on it. I am free... and have not let it take over my life. I'm not burning my memories, I'm getting over them and past them.

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 16 Oct 2010


Artist Reply: LOL! Art is subjective to the veiwer's personal taste, this one is not like my normal works. THis is a work of my mind and emotions and will not be liked by some, such as this guest. All comments welcomed. It would have be more constructive to leave comments such as why you dislked this work. Regardless, I like it for what it means to me.

donald laube 07 Jul 2008

Yes terry and isn't it great that after you, have Jesus in your life the evil one cannot remind you of your past, Jesus wiped it out . So laugh and say, go tell Jesus not me when he tries to remind you of something in your past. Great work sis.

Artist Reply: Thank you Donald, your words mean much. I chose to live and to not let the childhood fears take over my life as so many have in the same situations. I gave the pains to God, and prayed for the others in harms way, and for forgiveness & healing that victimize. So many of those that abuse are victims themselves. I know many that can not move on, but hope that they can find ways to fight the demons some day and win as I have. Life is too wonderful to focus on all the bad. I appreciate the wonders of life more because i know of the horrors. Art is a way to let it all out. This was a symblic of my life, as I won't let it take my life away. My work 99% of the time is filled with joy & beauty as my faith and appreciation of life overflows and spills into my creativety.

mondo rosales 20 Oct 2006

art based on feeling is usally the best , ... and it shows. great work .. I wish you all the best

Artist Reply: Thanks Mondo! I am well and will stay that way. It was a healthy outlet and wished I had done this long ago. FOrgiving is easy for me, learning to be stronger, harder. Letting go, afterwards, takes time. The mind likes to mess with you, whe not expected. I've learned to even push out nightmares in my sleep, by changing the dream , while asleep, or waking myself up out of it. I'm a fighter and survivor. I have always refused to give up, life has such wonderful moments that are worth waiting for. Focusing on them, and enjoying them is what helps your faith build.

thea walstra 11 Oct 2006

Very cool work Terry

Artist Reply: Thank you Thea! Didn't quite know I could do this type, but guess I did afterall.

Loredana 11 Oct 2006


Artist Reply: Thank you Loredana! Seems, I've some freaky art in me.