• Frank Maguire
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  • Image 35 of 36
  • Added 25 Aug 2006
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From the top of Main Street, Dingle.

Main streetof Dingle in the 50's.


Anonymous Guest

Ron Bedsole 16 Nov 2018

nice work

sheila stanley-powell 21 Jul 2007

it's very strange that 2 countries(ireland and england) should be so radically opposite in their peoples and yet produce villages and towns that are physical clones of each other. minus the sheep i could be visiting my uncles place in penkhull, stoke.the red door on the left could be the entrance to his shop- and yet i know behind the doors live a very different people.what a shame.

jessica torrant 09 Sep 2006

Having been to Dingle, you've painted this scene PERFECTLY!!

Artist Reply: Having lived there for 30 years I suppose I got my eye into it, thanks, Frank Maguire.

Carol Roberts 26 Aug 2006

I agree with Emily--very charming painting. The page loads from top to bottom, so the sheep and shepherd are a nice surprise after sky and buildings. Whereas if you first viewed this painting hanging, your eye would go the other direction. Interesting.

Artist Reply: Thank you Carol, I painted that picture so long ago that I can think nothing about it. It was among my first 2 dozen, but I'm glad it has pleased you. I just love painting. Frank.

Emily Reed 26 Aug 2006

Your Irish work is so charming, see typically Irish and so enchanted. Wonderful painting!

Artist Reply: Begorrah Emily, sure I do pwhat I can and an 'oul fella like me can do no more. Frank.