• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 12 Aug 2006
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A new book about her is either out or about to be. Her life, though it seemed promising, as a pianist, turned, and went awry. She became saddened by her beloved brother, Theodore Durant's, double murder trial, conviction, and execution, right after her departure to Germany to study her music. It was during the Victorian Era, which caused so many false accusations, and weak evidence to result in ill arrived at, verdicts. There was no such thing, as the notion of guilty beyond a shadow a doubt. She believed her brother was not guilty, he asked her not to come back home to the U.S. Surely the truth would set him free. When this did not happen, she felt guilty for the remainder of her life. Even the hangman believed he was innocent, and Durants was to be his last administered hanging, because of it. Maud changed her last name to void off connection to her brother. Turns and twists about her ambiguous sexuality, and the discovery of her relation to her brother, also doomed her to lose her trial here in the US, when she, eventually, returned. Quite a story of how society's attitudes about sex, and mores of the times, can negatively impact, and doom one's life, everafter. She lived to be an octagenarian. It seemed she lived the length of two life-times, for those times where most did not survive to that age. One life for her, and one for her brother. Part of her life, "straight" and part of her life "lesbian." Her story is a huge tale of woe.

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Reg Sharpe 07 May 2010

The saddest thing about Maud's life is that nobody seems to know her final resting place. It is in Los Angeles somewhere but even her biographer is unaware of which cemetery. Being in the UK I have searched the web, written to several authorities, and all with no luck. Take a good, long look at this picture, the years may have dimmed her talent and good looks but, she deserves better - someone must know where she is buried, don't they??

Artist Reply: I got interested in her some, through my son's interest in her brother Theodore Durant. I guess you've tried to find out where she's buried through her Durant name.

Anonymous Guest 06 May 2010

This is the best of Maud, more of her please. Reg

Artist Reply: I will do my best. Thanks!

chuck vest 13 Jul 2007

excellent work....one of my favorites

Artist Reply: Chuck, I'm really glad that you go back and see some of the older stuff. You have my thanks!!!

Terry Harris 19 Aug 2006

Great tribute for such a sad and troubled woman. You capture it in her eyes. Torn between what the world wishes and exspects, and what her heart tells her she really in. Wish such woes wre not such issues even now, and the world would just let one live how one means. Finding one's true self makes your life so much better. For those that think that God is unforgiving on such views, do not know the love God has for us all. Sometimes your soulmate is a best friend, and there is nothing even sexual about the relationship, just two like minds that support each other. Wonderful subject and story to tell of it. Well done.

Artist Reply: Terry! I can't believe I have not replied to this by now! Thank you for all you have written. Maud's life, which began fairly uneventful, was indeed turned around, and filled with turbulence of all kinds.

Jerry 13 Aug 2006

Brilliant eyes, mood and portrait!

Artist Reply: I'm so glad that you like it Jerry. Thanks for saying so!