• bb Amante
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  • Image 37 of 38
  • Added 05 Aug 2006
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"p2" is approximately 16 x 20 inches, oils painted on canvas. The painting is signed "Amante", and it is finished in a thin, dark brown frame which is hand-crafted from recycled oak. I painted "p2" at the dawn of my ressurected art career, in early 2004. Inspired by a house I once resided at in western Minnesota, "p2" depicts the struggles that my girlfriend of many years past, Patti, was engaged against due to a long series of mental illness episodes. On the occasion depicted in the painting, Patti (the figure to the far upper right) is serving the guests of a mental healt institution, while those same guests make observations of us, the viewers. "p2" derives its title from the tags of the two dogs represented in the far upper right of the painting (one tag reads "p", while the other reads "2". The p in this painting represents "Patti". Patti was a very familiar subject for my artwork thoroughout my career (that is, until I met my wife, Kathy), even though the relationship between Patti and I ended decades ago. In the past two years and eight months, I have completed dozens of paintings and drawings in which the lettwes p, a, and s--Patti's initials--appear prominently in the composition (for reasons that I am not fully prepared to explain). The 2, in this case, was added to ennumerate the second painting in a row that I included a p in its composition. "p2" is one of the few paintings I signed "Amante", as I started signing all of my paintings as "BB" by the end of 2004.

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