The closest star

Our star,the sun, is 150 million kilometers from earth, is 110 times the diameter of the Earth(if you could put them next to each other,it would be as though the earth was a grapeseed and the sun was a basketball) and it is also 332,000 x the mass of our planet.Of the hundreds of billions of suns(sun and star mean the same thing)that make up our galaxy, the next nearest star to ours is 45 trillion kilometers,or 4.5 light years distant.That is the simplifide explanation as to why stars appear so small against the night sky.It's because of the great distances separating them.


Anonymous Guest

Joke Schotting 23 Jul 2006

Beautiful photograph!!!

bianca thomas 23 Jul 2006

infinity......awsome comosition...and mood...i will rate your work 10...keep up god work!!!

Artist Reply: Many thanks Bianca.

stephanie atlee 23 Jul 2006

A hopeful and splendid moment you have captured