• Terry Harris
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  • Added 25 May 2006
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Dance of the butterflies kalidiscope

This one I retitled, after fixing my series of a group of designs. Teaches me to stay up too late at night. Will pose the other one, with ladybugs in a bit. I am sorry to have goofed up the companion image, "Dance of the Ladybugs" twice now. It uploaded this one as it and should be corrected in a few days. I had a program glitch that kept showing the timage thumbnail I meant to uplaod, when it was this one that did. Program repaired and working now, just need to wait to have it replaces by AW. Thanks for paitence all! This is a photo of a flower that I manipulated using Corel and Jasc software porgrams. Tubes effects were added in. Thanks to my husband who provided me with the original flower.

5 of 12 Comments Show All 12 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Frances Perea 08 Dec 2008

Beautiful! Love all the warm vibrant colors!

Emily Reed 26 May 2006


Artist Reply: Thanks Emily! Starting to put up some portraits for tomorrow. Haven't put any up for a bit.

Vera Harned 25 May 2006

Super work!

Artist Reply: Thanks Vera! Hope my work brought a smile your way!

Nuria Bertran 25 May 2006

Wonderful image!

Artist Reply: Thank you Nuria! (How do you pronounce your name? I hate to get a name in my head and have the sounds goofed up. I misprounce enough things as it is. )

Michael Forbus 25 May 2006

Terry, everyday you send beauty through the wire, everyone who touches you is affected in such a great happy way. Love this piece. Miguel

Artist Reply: Thanks Miguel! If I could really do this, and perhaps at times I do, who needs fame and money? I'm not making it much with my art, but, the friends and lives I connect with, that is priceless.