• Loree Harrell
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  • Added 19 May 2006
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Who Goes There AMorphus #1

Forgive me, my friends... was playing with one of my woodstains and showed them to a client who wants a print set... bear with me!

Digitally transformed from the 5x5 ink & woodstain, "Who Goes There". copyright 2006; Loree Harrell


Anonymous Guest

Michael Forbus 22 May 2006

Lorree, I showed my young daughter your work and she was astounded and loved it. A natural love. She began to explain it to me. I of course told her that was my job. Love this piece and all your vibrant work. You are genius incarnate. Michael

Artist Reply: That's funny, Michael - I did a show this weekend, and you're right - kids are all over this series. Color's great for them and they seem to like "figuring out" the images. Thank you for sharing!

Nancy Costley 21 May 2006

Great blold design. Fresh work.

Analua 20 May 2006

Strong colors in this great work!!!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 20 May 2006

Excellent design, Loree! Very well rendered!

Anne Vis 20 May 2006

Love it, Loree! Great design!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Anne... I'm havin' fun.