• H. Harper
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  • Image 45 of 74
  • Added 10 May 2006
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masked beauty.

here she is. i have butchered her image, but this was my first attempt. this woman has been haunting (i use that term tentatively) my dreams. i can only describe her in a few words. her hair black and shiny is almost curly, not curly, and not wavy, but almost curly. her skin is pale but radiant. her body curves in just the right places and she carries herself with an air of elegance i have not seen in a real person. i put a mask on her because i did not feel comfortable attempting to draw her face; i felt i could do nowhere near justice. she is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen, in reality or not. my one grevious error in this peice was the hair; the addition of hair made the image more and more unpleasant. before the hair, i felt i had done her body and form justice, but the hair refused to cooperate. and as i tried to fix it, the problem only grew. and i ended up with what you see. i also did something i dont normally do; i used pastels. i love using pastels, but very few of my works come out well when i use pastels. a couple more things....i know her forearm is too long and the hand is wonky (that is a sloppily drawn fan, by the way), i saw it too late. believe it or not, before i added the hair, it was easier to believe that her head connected to her shoulders :) anyway, let me know what you think of it. i believe in some ways, this image is very attractive, and in others im just not pleased. let me know what you think of it.


Anonymous Guest

Deborah Martin 02 Jun 2006

I think you've done a great job on her body and it's wonderful the way you have tried to put down what you have seen in your dreams..not and easy thing to do....

Artist Reply: thank you. its nice to know that someone reads the words i write. for the most part, i like the whole "make up your own meaning" but i think its also important for the veiwer to know (or at least get an idea of) what i was trying to portray and/or how it came about.

Lawrence Hickman 10 May 2006

beautifully done