• Terry Harris
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  • Image 26 of 33
  • Added 07 May 2006
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Wildflowers for Terry

My husband sends me photos of wildflowers when he travels. For me, this is a nice as having a bunch of deleivered roses. You never know what kind of wildflowers you will find, or where they will pop up! He was thoughtful enough to take time to go hunting for some on his recent spelunking trip to New Mexico. He's had to learn to take good shots so I could enjoy the images more. (Posted by his permission).

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tazda lawson 07 May 2006

Terry is one lucky bloke .........or lass......the photo is so well balanced.

Artist Reply: Thanks! I'll tell my husband, Jeff, he's learning to stop centering everything finally! I didn't even have to photo edit this one.

Chris Williams 07 May 2006


Artist Reply: Thanks Chris!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 07 May 2006

what a beautiful flowers and a great shot!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Nelly! I'll let my husband know how well his photo is liked!

corry stuart 07 May 2006

nice delicate flower Terry great shot

Artist Reply: Thank you COrry! My husband gives me floral photos and rocks for gifts. My favorites! LOL! He used to travel all over the world for years. Everyone would ask me what did he bring me back. I was always more excited by the rocks! I've luged them all over everytime we moved as well. Some I had mounted for jewelry, some just for decor, others look cool in my garden and around my yard. Others, I use to teach children with for hands on science, and ogten give them rocks for their own collections. I love the beauty in rocks as much as a flower.

Joke Schotting 07 May 2006

Very beautiful,Terry!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Joke! I loved the luch leaves that it had with it.