• Terry Harris
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  • Image 84 of 92
  • Added 03 May 2006
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Bubbling Butterfly Dreams

This is a digital painting that was created with many elements, effects, and filters. It was manipulated as I worked using several programs to get this dream like scene. (Again, I swear it's not my pain meds kicking in!) I hope you like it as much as I do.

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Allanna . 01 Feb 2007

This reminds me of my mom, maybe its the bubbles and it makes me happy too!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Allanna! Bubbles make me feel the joy of life, and facignate me. I have been learning to make so many kinds now, and will keep at it. I'm definitely a buuble fanatic!

Joanne Harvey 20 Jun 2006

Terry...You broght back some old memories..on this one!! The kids and I would get together and blow colored bubbles..and let them land on white paper! Of coarse I can see that this one is much more complacated than ours! The addition of the butterfly in the middle..Just made it perfict!!! I LOVE it!

Artist Reply: Thanks Joanne!I've doneththe bubble print art with students many times, so fun! This is a bit like it, but with some added embellishments.

thea walstra 04 May 2006

Adorable and awesome work Terry

Artist Reply: Thanks Thea! Sorry to reply so long to this one. Made it to Texas today on my road trip. Having a blast. Will see my oldest sister the next 2 days, then see,an brother that lives an hour noth for dinner. Then off we go to Louisianna for visits for a couple of more days.

Ginger Lovellette 03 May 2006

Love the title, love the image!

Artist Reply: Thank you Ginger! I was a doodler growing up, always fasicnated with layers of designs, escpeally ones that made you stop to figure out what works with other shapes and colors. I would have doodled such a design as book cover in school. Luckily, my teachers let me do it. I had great grades, finished work before others, and killed time doodling on my and my finds book covers. A few teachers had me decorating their storage boxes in the room as well. What I used to do with fabric paint tubes to my jeans is a whole other story. Wish I could still do those, by can't squeeze things anymore. I would rock in handmade purses and jean designs.

tazda lawson 03 May 2006

The effects really work .....i really like this one.

Artist Reply: Thanks Tazda! I hope to work more in these styles in the future, but want to make them more varied. Have some ideas to try out soon. Should have some cool results!