• Abdul Alhazred
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  • Image 21 of 31
  • Added 20 Mar 2006
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Summertime Killer

Some Kill Bill fanart i did awhile back. Heh, it began as a doodle at school that i did on the back of an assignment, hence the pink paper, and the blue ink all over it was the result of an accident (stupid pen...), but i kinda liked how it turned out. It's a shame the ink was red...anyways, as you know, kill bill ain't mine. It's Quentin Tarentino's.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 23 Mar 2006

I love the red and blue inks, they add to the macabre, Kill Bill feel. And this is so well drawn, especially the hand and the shading with the really dark/light values. Love! <3

Suraj Lochan 23 Mar 2006

aye, sumones talented. i was reading ur profile and u said u draw on lined paper alot. i was gonna say, theres a way to take out the blue and red lines in photoshop. just use color select. but, yeah i like this one, reminds me of my 'slasher' pic cus both of the characters seem to enjoy wat they do lol. i like the 3 tone color, works prety well, and dats a lot of ink for a pen misshap. it really does look more intentional and hence makes it cooler. only thing that distracts me is the onnee lil bitty white circle by the ring. but wow, u really are good wif sum ink. how do u get all the shades of black so even? i like how it looks like u sketch fast, like me.