• Emma Goodman
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  • Image 44 of 113
  • Added 09 Mar 2006
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Most of my pictures like this are RP based and this one is no different, what we have here is a fight between Brad's character and one of my Detrossan characters 'Tiner'....that's pretty much it ^^ Brad's sword is see through because it's made of crystal and it's magic so no it's not going to break ><; Tiner's hands are like that because he's joined up with a really evil um mad scientist kind of character and has had some 'work' done to himself. Sketched in Painter Classic. Inked, flat coloured and shaded in Photoshop using hundreds of layers! Ship vector drawn in Paint Shop Pro. Go me adding a detailed background for once!

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Anonymous Guest

Sami Gingerkat 09 Mar 2006

...We should do the rping sometime. :D

Artist Reply: lol I get that a lot when I show the crazy stuff we get up to ^^