• Terry Harris
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  • Image 428 of 450
  • Added 19 Feb 2006
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female rufus hummingbird

This is a created from scratch painting I did with Painter Classic and a wacom tablet. It's one of my favorite hummers and I often make cards or little magnets with inspirational sayings on them with this painting.

5 of 15 Comments Show All 15 Comments

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Thom Roslan 02 Apr 2006

Beautifully drawn......and this image does look like a photo......But, that's the beauty of being an artist!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much!

Anonymous Guest 06 Mar 2006

Love this. How do you do this? I think you call it SCRATCH painting. Keep up the good work LOVE IT! gerry logan

Artist Reply: Thanks! I called it scratch because it's a digital painting I created using a electronic art tablet, a WACOM tablet that hooks up to your computer. It has a wireless stylus pen, like a inkpen that's plastic. You use it with software, such art programs. I tap the pen and move it on the tablet and selcet medias, such as airbrush, pastels, found in the program, and draw/paint as I would if I had a real pen in my hand. Some people do manipulated photos that maybe changed with a photo special effect. Many assume my work is such. SOmetimes I do that as well, but I list it as manipulated works. If I made it from scratch, I mean I started with nothing , like a blank canvas. I will often use a split screne to look at a refeerence photo or hang one up next to my monitor as I work. Digital art allows me to correct mistakes, no clean up, and be more accurate. I also can mix mediums that I could not ususally do with real medias. A stylus pen is set to my touch, and so I do not have to hold it so tight. This lets me paint/draw without the pain I get from my arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It's saved my sanity.

Chas Sinklier 20 Feb 2006

Nice work Terry - of course by nice I mean fanblinkingtastical :0)

Artist Reply: Thank you! Thant was a very nice way to comment! LOL!

José Fortunato 20 Feb 2006

This i very beautiful. I can feel the wings moving rapidly

Artist Reply: Thank you Jose!

tazda lawson 19 Feb 2006

Your "SCRATCH" paintings are fantastic.......I would love to see more.

Artist Reply: Thanks Tazda! THese are fun and will put up more when I can.