• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 18 Feb 2006
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Unspoken Beauty

I know, I know, I said I wouldn't be posting for 3 weeks. I get the urge, and I can't stop it. This is the beginning of a series of hands. Not always just hands, but hands, too. This is from his JBT concerts, that I missed. Photograph taken by what appears to be Mom4Clay22. I did this one, because I don't feel that all beauty is held by females of the human race. Here,tall? Yes, but,it's not always the typical "tall dark and handsome". Not always the picture of "buffdom" (my word). To me, this is representation of that belief. Don't like it? What can I say? I'm a Clay fan.

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 20 Jan 2007

I love taking pictures and it helps when the subject is easy to look at...:) Is it possible to get a print of this? I'm a "starving" teacher but if I can swing it I might like to get a copy...Lisa-Mom4clay22

Artist Reply: Did you get my email?

Anonymous Guest 15 Jan 2007

I just found this. I took this picture and I love what you did with it. You are very talented! Thanks for giving me credit as the photog. Lisa-Mom4Clay22

Artist Reply: You are welcome about the credit. You took one gorgeous picture, Lisa! I have quite a few "had to do it's," but, this one, this one ranks in my top 5.

William Boyer 13 Nov 2006


Artist Reply: William, thanks very much!

Eddy collins 10 Sep 2006

Very nice work

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Eddy!

Anonymous Guest 15 Jul 2006

OK.. this is another BEAUTY.. I understand that hands are one of the MOST difficult part of the body to draw. You did them justice. The model is Beautiful

Artist Reply: Guest, your compliment, as well as your comment, is highly appreciated; Thank you!