• gregg dutcher
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  • Added 30 Dec 2005
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The Court

(c)2005 A friend of mine lives on a court. He says there are advantages to living on a court, but some disadvantages too. One advantage is no through traffic, except the occassional persons who turn down his street by accident. A closer sense of community with your neighbors is one clear advantage. Court life makes it easier to take part in outdoor activities together with neighbors. But a disadvantage clearly is parking. This picture really does not show that particular problem as being as bad as it can be. No, to me, being the guy who many times accidentally turns down a court or two, and driving a truck, it's that many courts are not big enough to turn around in! And especially the courts loaded with parked cars! If I made deliveries for a living, I'd invest in an OnStar,...but for now, I guess I'll pay closer attention to the corner street signs. hehe


Anonymous Guest

Emily Reed 30 Dec 2005

So awfully cute! Great work!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 30 Dec 2005

I recognize the problem... I adore the presentation, Gregg!!!

stephanie atlee 30 Dec 2005

very cool drawing and fairly accurate to life in a court....still a parking problem though...LOL