• Daniel Stewart
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  • Image 13 of 20
  • Added 27 Nov 2005
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The MMT PolyChroic CopperStar Spirale

This image is an initial direct result of advice given by a master fractalist, Joe Zazulak, and employs Paul Carlson's Orbit Traps Outside Coloring Algorithm formula. Joe's work can be seen at http://www.renderosity.com/gallery.ez?Start=1&Sectionid=0&filter_genre_id=0&Form.Search=joeydude&Form.Criteria=Author. I heartily recommend your visit to his galleries: his was the work that inspired me to research into fractal art. Image produced in UltraFractal 4.01 and PhotoShop 5.5. All views and comments/criticisms welcome...


Anonymous Guest

Christine brand 07 Dec 2005

Awe inspiring...Like a Feastival!!! Very impressive...

Artist Reply: Thank you indeed Christine!

Angela Francis 29 Nov 2005

Great dig work. I love the colors. The blues are perfect with the copper.

Artist Reply: Angela: I am not sufficiently esoteric to immediately understand .."dig work.."..., but the remainder of your comment clearly indicates compliment: Thank you much!

sylvia etie 28 Nov 2005


Artist Reply: I appreciate your kind comment Sylvie! Thank you!

Susan Epps 28 Nov 2005

It has a terrifying name but the image itself is fantastic lol ! The colours work so well together and the composition is excellent. Very skilled work !

Artist Reply: Thank you Susan! Yes..the name is a bit intimidating: an attempt to give appropriate tribute to the person whose assistances enabled me to produce this work. Joe Zazulak, a fractal artist of astonishing skills, and now represented here, as well as at Renderosity, had shared one of his fractal parameter files with me, to illustrate multicolor technique across spiral segments. The work that he sent, and which is posted @Renderosity, is entitled "Magical Mystery Tour"..thus the MMT..and "polychroic.."..of course: multicolored... Thank you for your interest, and your refreshing candor....

Nancy Costley 28 Nov 2005

Magical twist, great color!

Artist Reply: Nancy: Thank you!: much appreciated...

Amy Batten 27 Nov 2005

Intriguing! I like the spiraling design

Artist Reply: Thank you Amy!: I'm glad you like it...