• Charles Jones
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  • Added 02 Nov 2021
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I guess you could call it an aura or life force. But many times it's more a feeling than something seen even though there are those who say auras have different colors. I'm not really of that school. But you and I have met folks who we trusted or felt good about almost from the get-go. And we've met others who gave off 'a negative vibe.' If there were classes in learning how to 'see' and interpret auras, we'd be a happier race. Too many of us believe the hype or make a judgement call because the person is attractive, as in handsome or pretty. I can tell you from experience that can lead one down a dark and dangerous road. So where is this leading? Well, I wished you hadn't asked that. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium bond paper and an early November example of Original Jones Art as he wonders what the blankety he radiates here in northwest Austin, Texas.


Anonymous Guest

Ray Steele 04 Nov 2021

I in at boardinghouse(share living)one if roomies +lo) and I don't get along because bad vibe,by the way I look your depiction but you are about putting good and bad vides

Artist Reply: I was talking about not taking a nice book cover as indicative of good reading material, Ray. After a lifetime of study, I'm pretty good at distinguishing the good, bad and the decidedly ugly on the inside from those who beam with positivity and goodness without even trying. I remember my college days when I started out with roommates in various locales around Austin. My happiest domicile was my last year at UT when I found a little efficiency off campus I could afford--and lived ALONE. That being said, I feel for you in your situation. I would say 'bury the hatchet' but it might take a full-sized ax in your case. :)

Al Budarin 03 Nov 2021

Wonderfully done,I think I passed this guy on the street the other day,yes I felt vigorated,I started to sprint,I tell you he has an affect on people,,,,,,,

Artist Reply: Did he have roller skates on, Al? He just loves those. ;)

Ginger Lovellette 02 Nov 2021

Love the new colors, the added details, everything! I also like how you shadow one side of his face. I, too, have been down that dark and dangerous road you mentioned. Not sorry since it made me smarter the next time I ran into it. Great image, Charles.

Artist Reply: Getting burned and/or betrayed makes some folks believe everyone is that way. They trust everyone to be the same so they trust no one. This is not true as I know we aren't ALL cut from the same genetic cloth. Unfortunately, we ARE breeding more of the flighty, needy, selfish type with a two-minute attention span. Thanks for commenting, Ginger. :)