• Adam Hughes
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  • Image 25 of 46
  • Added 24 Jan 2005
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Phantom in the Dark

I took this picture one morning at work when it was foggy that's the why the picture looks hazy cause it was really foggy that morning. I originally wasn't going to post this one but my brother talked me into it, so here it is i hope you like it


Anonymous Guest

M. Usman Ul Haq 14 Apr 2007

Nice Work, Adam!! Its doesn't matter at least for me :-) that at what time you took it and how much was the fog factor involved! what really does matter is you took the shot and post it here.. some can say that it would be nicer with the sharpness yes it could be but this is one is have its own identity. Keep them coming ;-). I love the fighter planes and love this one too!!!

Thom Roslan 25 Sep 2006

BOY....Does that bring back memories!!! I flew in the Navy in the early 60's and did alot of work at that time of day....Well photographed!!! There's nothing that can dimenish FOG.....No Film or Digital (not yet at least) factors.....lighting or filters.....Fog makes everything Out of Focus....cause the light is actually bouncing off each drop!!!

Cruz 01 Feb 2005

nice photo, but i would like to see it with more sharpness

stan jones 24 Jan 2005

i hate the fact that some people have no idea how hard it can be to get the perfect shot ...you have explained the degree of fog and well it is night time some never learn ..i like it as it gives the feeling of you have to be on the ball 24/7

Lindy van den Bosch 24 Jan 2005

It's a bit dark and the light is a bit glaring.