• Hisham Zrake (Zreiq)
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 71 of 92
  • Added 13 Jan 2005
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The day after

I created this art work to participate in the following exhibition, which might explain the idea of the art for you. "To submit one A5 (15cm x 21cm) work in any medium for inclusion in the exhibition Bare Foot...Nuclear Imaginaries to be shown at the Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies. Exhibition is to mark the 60 anniversaryof the dropping of hte A-Bomb over Japan. All work submitted will be shown. At the end of the tour, all submitted A5 works will be sold to raise money for cancer research. The exhibition, Bare Foot...Post HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI/Nuclear Imaginaries will be taking place between July and September 2005 at the Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies. Other venues include PlymouthArts Centre and Aberystwyth Arts Centre."


Anonymous Guest

francis kwok peng kin 31 Jan 2005

Very creative piece,seeing all these destructions the day after....

Stephan Earl 29 Jan 2005

This is an amazing piece... I love it !

Jude Rouslin 14 Jan 2005

Hello , I hear noise when I view this piece . It echoes and haunts the realities of history . Extreme , as it ought to be Again , great work . .

Renata Cavanaugh 14 Jan 2005

Another awesome piece....really gives you something to think about!

Kay L. Schlagel 13 Jan 2005

ty for sending the invitation to my email. I looked at this piece for quite awhile. The colors are beautiful and imagary haunting. I think that you have achieved your goal. The simplicity of the piece hints at so much distruction and complexity and yet it draws the observer's eye further into the piece and not be so obtrusive as to make them want to turn away. I think you did a wonderful job and should do very well.

Tabitha Borges 13 Jan 2005

Very deep and I echo the epressive...

Lisa Luree 13 Jan 2005

Superb image! Hauntingly beautiful.

Pepita Selles 13 Jan 2005

I have understand the idea,I saw that directly when I saw your art.And yes it tell about the bomb.Very impressed of the art and the purpose.

Dawn Landrum 13 Jan 2005

that is really awesome!

Liat Pne-Gal 13 Jan 2005

I love the feeling the image is giving to me, It makes me feel like everything that is about to happen is about to change its diamentions and will probably not remain in the same materials and proportions as we used to know it.