• Sher Richardson
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  • Image 73 of 196
  • Added 20 Dec 2004
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..remember me

At this cold time of the year when snow covers food sources, remember to put out seed for the birds and squirrels... if you have woods near by, drop off a few carrots someplace random, i assure you it will be eaten by some little creature. Donations to shelters or volunteer a few hours. This world is inhabited by the miracle of animals whom we have built upon the freedom of their lands and food sources... it's nice to give back.... Graphite/bristol 14x18 JoyToTheWorld : )


Anonymous Guest

debbie braswell 31 Jan 2007


William J. Griffith 12 Mar 2005

Your portfolio always seems to have new discoveries for me, this is beautiful, great expression and softness, love it.

William Bonnichsen 12 Feb 2005

the call of the moon, a chorus of voices raised into the crisp winters air....sigh lovely work

Reba McDonald 11 Feb 2005

A great picture Sher

Masrur Imani 20 Jan 2005

A real predator,king of the woods, very well executed.

kristie taylor 12 Jan 2005

Excellent details, great pencil!!!

Dawn Sharpe 27 Dec 2004

Beautiful image, beautiful animal.

Elizabeth Teed 26 Dec 2004

Lovely job

tim linville 26 Dec 2004

Excellent pencil work,Sher!

Roy Boobyer 23 Dec 2004

Another nice one Sher. Where do you find the time?

Spurgeon Marshal 22 Dec 2004

Amazing fur technique! Great job Sher!

teresa greene 22 Dec 2004

Awesome work Sher and a shared view on feeding the wildlife!

Dawn Bigford 21 Dec 2004

this is very stunning... love the expression in the face and eyes... very nice

Renata Cavanaugh 21 Dec 2004

What a beautiful pencil work. We got snow yesterday.....but your snow looks better then what is outside my window. Excellent job...as always

lori street 21 Dec 2004

lovely pic great pencil work.........happy xmas

Nira Dabush 20 Dec 2004

Beautiful Artwork.Wonderful Tribute.Amazing Pencil's work,excellent exprresion of his eyes,full with feelings...and...Yes,I just took a new kitty from shelter.

Earl Kelley 20 Dec 2004

Awesome!!!Is it in a Verticle Frame??? HEH

Juan Gomez 20 Dec 2004

Beautiful image Sher..very gentle and free moving...

c.s. viator 20 Dec 2004

beautiful work! 10+!

Susan Epps 20 Dec 2004

A wonderful drawing and I do what you say ...have a little colony of foxes nearby and I make sure they don't go hungry.

Thom Roslan 20 Dec 2004

Brother WOLF commends you on this Holiday Season! Great Lead Work!!!

Justin Jenkins 20 Dec 2004

Very powerful and spiritual work of art. CHILLING.

Adam Hughes 20 Dec 2004

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH sher i love this picture

stan jones 20 Dec 2004

i would love to do the same and ask but every one has there own thoughts but for my thought stunning work Sher and seeing as i live by the ocean i well go give some fish some bait to eat hugs for chrissy

Tabitha Borges 20 Dec 2004

Bravo!!!. WEll said I love all the details in the coat...

Roger Anderson 20 Dec 2004

Beautiful work sher

Peter Rivron 20 Dec 2004

A fantastic work of art.

Mark Peterson 20 Dec 2004

Good detail. I like the darkness behind the legs and trees.

Gayle Taylor 20 Dec 2004

Beautiful details!

Charles Oliver 20 Dec 2004

Right on Sher! Real nice work.

Andree Lerat 20 Dec 2004

Wonderful message, and beautiful image. Cannot help feeling sad thinking about the homeless animals this time of year. My birds are happy, my squirrels are running back and forth chasing eachother for the choice morsel, and the pigeons and doves are also there. Nothing goes to waste. And as my tradition, Lewis and I give money to the homeless animals and toys to tots instead of giving eachother gifts.

Joke Schotting 20 Dec 2004

beautiful piece Sher .

eileen martin 20 Dec 2004

exquiste pencil work Sher, perfect details , wonderful thought concerning the wildlife

joan warburton 20 Dec 2004

Incredibly beautiful and detailed.

Julieanne Nielsen 20 Dec 2004

Very good detail with the fur. I like snow on the tree.

Pat Abbott 20 Dec 2004

Sher, this is lovely as usual. My pockets are always full of peanuts, bread crumbs, carrots and apples. Whenever I am hiking I always spread it all around. As a matter of fact I just came back from feeding the gulls hanging out at the A&P market.

Matt Kazmer 20 Dec 2004

Exquisit pencil work, great detail

pieter van gelderen 20 Dec 2004

beautiful piece Sher