• Will Kirkland
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  • Added 11 Oct 2013
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Just hanging out

Clothes hanging on line in a old fashion farm scene done on grafix drafting film mat surface on both sides. Scene done with Prismacolor Verithin colored pencils. The dimensions of this painting are 10 inches long by 8 inches wide. Can your mind's eye see the person that just hung these items and can you almost smell the fresh air scent of them once they are dry?

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LAURIER Marie josé 10 Jan 2016


Artist Reply: Marie: thank you so much for such a lovely comment! The beautiful lighting is what drew me to this scene, but I'm sure that as you mention, there would have been a woman hard at work on the farm. This scene was in an historic village in Illinois and the entire location is filled with memories of days gone past. Thank you again for looking. Always good to hear from you. Best regards, Will

Stefani Wehner 10 Jan 2016

How could I miss this WONDERFUL work, perfectly done! Love the scenery and how you managed light and shadow!

Artist Reply: Stefani: Thanks so much! The light and shadows are what drew me to this scene. I'm glad that how I was able to render these spoke to you. I believe that the Dura-lar film I use as my surface helped in achieving the result I hoped to get. Thanks again for your lovely comment and have a great week. Best regards, Will

John Cappello 30 Jan 2015

Marvelous; that's what your Admirable scenes are like.

Artist Reply: John: thanks so much. When I saw this scene, I just knew that I wanted to paint it. I'm pleased with how it turned out and I'm glad that you too found it pleasing. As always, best regards, Will

Tony Durrant 17 Aug 2014

Love this too: the way the yellow branch in the foreground gives depth and is echoed by the washing-line and the semi-ellipses between the pegs.

Artist Reply: Tony: thank you so much for your great comments. First, I must mention your reference to the branch or large weed in the foreground. I debated for quite awhile as to whether to include or exclude it! Finally I did make the decision. You are spot on, as it does add to the illusion of depth. I was drawn to this scene because of how old fashion and peaceful it all seemed. And by the fantastic light effects. You, my friend, have a very artistic eye. Always nice to hear from you. Best wishes for a good week, Will

Andrei Mezei 16 Jan 2014

beautiful,amazing skillful work!

Artist Reply: Andrei: Thank you very much. I'm a retired gross anatomy professor of 31 years and I'm naturally drawn to detail. I love art and retirement! Best regards.