
Beautiful modern Abstract Art with a Psychological twist: Infused with Color Therapy, combined with shapes and textures, which evoke positive and enjoyable feelings and emotions. Ideal for any home, and especially for the waiting-rooms of doctors, alternative therapies and private hospitals where calming, soothing, comforting atmospheres are necessary. My digital art contain Warm elements - bright, stimulating, energetic, cheerful etc.; Cool elements - relaxing, focusing, peaceful, productiveness etc. and Neutral elements – authoritive, reliableness, timeless, stability etc. I am a professionally trained artist with three degrees in Human Science. All my artwork contain colorful and beneficial Psychologically stimulating elements, which are proven to positively stimulate mood and well-being. Beautiful to observe, as well as positively effective and practical to enhance the psyche of patients, clients and personnel, yet enjoyably subtle, subliminal and subconscious. Original Image are very large and HD quality and copyrighted to me.

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