• kir dracos
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  • Added 22 Sep 2004
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Nur'Tan Commandos

Iceril are generally a paranoid, xenophobic, and hostile race, but most of them keep to the frozen wasteland of their homeworld, Khrii. Soldiers, on the other hand, are genetically manipulated killing machines, and are extraordinarily violent. The only reason the Nur'Tan Imperium hasn't proven a significant threat to the rest of Takisi Garden is the fact that it is still no match, technologically or demographically, for the Dro'Xaren Ephex, and is situated directly between the Ephex and the Ravager Gap, leaving no room for expansion. However, they do not, under any conditions, tolerate intrusion into their space during times of crisis. The Braj'Inara, crewed by Kiril Noor, Melissa Consair, Aryn Noor, and Emiera Noor, when attempting to pass through Nur'Tan toward the ha'nai territories across the Ravager Gap, is attacked by Shokuune Cealo Naarisa, an elite captain of Lord Rasjti of the Imperial Seat. The heroes are handily defeated and brought to Aumaen Cah, the capitol city of Khrii, where they manage to escape in the icy catacombs. Stalked by Nur'Tan commandos and viewed with everything from suspicion to downright hostility by everyone they encounter, they spend a harrowing few days in Aumaen Cah attempting to reclaim their ship and cross the border into the Dro'Xaren Ephex, and only make it due to an unexpected find and some unexpected help.

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