• Trinton Garrett
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  • Image 128 of 196
  • Added 18 Oct 2012
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Mad Woman

This is part of a series I am working on - She represents "Bi-polar" each photo with in the series will represent a different Mental Illness. I hope to publish a book with the photo and information I collect as I finish this series. Bipolar disorder Manic depression; Bipolar affective disorder Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people go back and forth between periods of a very good or irritable mood and depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very quick. There are two different types of Bipolar disorder Bipolar I and Bipolar II People with bipolar disorder type I have had at least one manic episode and periods of major depression. In the past, bipolar disorder type I was called manic depression. People with bipolar disorder type II have never had full mania. Instead they experience periods of high energy levels and impulsiveness that are not as extreme as mania (called hypomania). These periods alternate with episodes of depression. A mild form of bipolar disorder called cyclothymia involves less severe mood swings. People with this form alternate between hypomania and mild depression. People with bipolar disorder type II or cyclothymia may be wrongly diagnosed as having depression. Those with Bipolar II can wrongly be diagnosed with schizophrenia. With in the book I am working on there will be more information.

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