• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 13 Oct 2012
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Spooky Coupe

Spooky Coupe will get U if U don't watch out! - Ha! Almost scared me self - Woo! One thing I know about this great looking coupe is whether it's a Ford, Chevy or Dodge doesn't matter. What does matter is that this is one fine hot rod. It's not just a Halloween thing. This ride looks good all year round! ~:0) Now some of U may recognize this might be rat rod from another life. And U'd be right. This is the street machine we shot for Street Surfin' Boogie. This is the pix we did w/o the lovely surf girl atop. In case u've ever wondered that's one reason photogs shoot so many pix. U never know what u can use another time - Ha! But this photo is all about scaring off ur sox! - and it is spooky! Gots a scary moon. Terrifying clouds making for an ominous sky. And what's scarier than a small town on Saturday Night! Ouch! The Spooky Coupe just left the gas station. It's loaded up with Candy Corn an headed home with the booty. The kiddies what come to our house are in for a great surprise! Who doesn't love Candy Corn? Though salt-water taffy is mighty fine ~:0) Point is, no matter what the time of year this photo is fun. Gots a great hot rod - Spooky Coupe. It's reminds us about back home memories. And it teasing us with that good looking mill. I'm not too sure, but that looks like a Ford Big- Block in there. what ever it is - I know it's loud. And it's a real ground shaker! I recommend U get a 16 x 20 print. That's big enough to see on the wall. And yet it's not so large as to cost too much. But who's counting, right? Anyway - get Ur Spooky Coupe now! ~:0) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 15 Oct 2012

What a beauty of a car! Is it haunted?:)

Artist Reply: Thanks Karen! No the car's not haunted but the driver is a loose nut behind the wheel that's for sure. There must have been 30 bags of Kandy Korn in there with im - Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!

Elton Houck 14 Oct 2012

great work Charles!

Artist Reply: Thanks Elton - much appreciated ~:0) VivaChas!