• Katerina Koukiotis
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  • Image 193 of 512
  • Added 08 Oct 2012
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Vampire Queen

Vampire Queen
Graphite pencil , 8 x 10 , 2012

Halloween inspired artwork :) For anyone interested original, prints available form my website http://www.katerinaart.com/

Beautiful stock model tanit-isis-stock ( Efharisto Annie so excited to meet a fellow Greek stock artist :)

Initially i started this as part of my portrait study series but the more i worked on it the more i decided to finish it and turn her into a vampiress :) i think she looks a mixture of a vampiress and witch with a bit of Akasha in her ( queen of the damned) Hope you all like it ,although it's a bit early...
Trick or treat


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Teresa Dominici 15 Oct 2012

This is lovely! Great work!!:)

Steve Farr 12 Oct 2012

Beautiful work!!

Renata Cavanaugh 10 Oct 2012

Stunning work Katerina

Ruth Kauffman 09 Oct 2012

Brilliant work again, Katerina!!!!

Andrei Mezei 08 Oct 2012

wow!beautiful and dangereous!magnificent work Katerina!your racourci is perfect!