• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 15 Aug 2012
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Pirates Treasure Island III V2

*This Is The the third and final part from the 'Pirates Treasure Island' Story! __________________________ Part I *The great ship was headed for, "a must get to" destination. The people that saw the ship and its crew, knew that they would be gone again for awhile. But they knew that they would be back again. The pirates knew where their Captain was taking them...it was where the biggest treasure that they knew about now, because of a paid for view tip from one of the local peasant boys who they knew was desperate enough not to say anything...or else. The pirates, after what seemed like a day, knew that they were close! They could feel it in their bones! Then it happened...a shout from above in the crows nest, "Thar She Blows!" And sure enough, straight ahead was the island where there was more wealth and gold than they ever could know! As they approached the beach inside the lagoon, we all saw a golden glow up ahead of us...we all knew what that was...it was the gold! BUT! Why was it shining so bright that we could see it....it was supposed to be buried..and light there where we see the glowing! We dropped anchor and headed toward the glowning light with much speed... .. . ....to be continued.... Part II ...in the rowboat. As we neared the beach the glow got brighter. We elected one of our mates to go up on the ridge and see what was happening. As one of the pirates that was elected neared the treasure it was obvious that it had been dug up! He looked around but could not see anyone else there! He climbed down into the hole an as he stood up and gazed upon the beautiful treasure...his skin evaporated and he became bones in a matter of a second! The rest of the pirates on the beach were wondering what was taking so long for their mate to return. So they all climbed out and onto the beach and began heading up the trail to all the rich treasure and their friend was. But.... ....to be continued.... Part III The final part in the Pirates Treasure Island Saga... But...as they neared the glowing treasure they could see that their mate was nothing but a skeleton! They stopped, wondering what they should do. They thought they should, after talking among themselves, rush the treasure, grab it as fast as they could and run back to the boat and head back to the ship. It sounded like a good plan! So when they got as close to the treasure chest as they could without any problem, they all rushed and jumped into the hole and started to grab the treasure chest when out of the sky, lightning came out of nowhere and turned them all to ashes right where they stood in the hole! Now there was silence and peace around the treasure chest and it glowed even more... ...as usual, just my thoughts. ...John Michael Piper *GO-SEE-HEAR-AND- EXPERIENCE THIS WEBSITE, AND GET YOUR FREE DESKTOP IMAGE DESIGNS, SCREEN SAVERS, THEMES AND MUCH MORE FOR THE 2012 YEAR...IT'S ALL AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.CO M* ( http://www.artimationsdesignc omp.com/ ) *Check it out...Then check it out again~ J. Michael PiperĀ©2012 All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 18 Aug 2012

Beautiful colors. Glorious Posting.You have excellent talent with these compositions

Artist Reply: *Hi John! Thank you so very much! Yes, pirate lore I'm very much into, don't quite know why, but it seems to be an endless story type let alone I can create my own from that lore of yesteryear! Thanks again my friend!

Karen Helsing 17 Aug 2012

Great story!

Artist Reply: *Hi Karen! Thanks for that! Yeah it's a little short story style, but entertaining for three pictures! Glad you liked it!

Igor Marinovsky 16 Aug 2012

Great picture... amazing colors....

Artist Reply: *Hi Igor! Thank you so very much! I truly appreciate your comment!

Brenda Loveless 16 Aug 2012

dangerous treasure!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Oh yes, a very dangerous and cursed treasure! Of course it's just a figment of my imagination, but I do thank you for your splendid comment!

Elizabeth Lindberg 15 Aug 2012


Artist Reply: *Hi Elizabeth! So cool such a great word for a comment and I truly thank you and appreciate it!

ruth sears 15 Aug 2012

Fine story line to this remarkable artwork,love how you did the sky!

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Such a grand comment and I thank you so much for it! I'm glad you contrived a pleasurable experience from it!