• Hilton Harris
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  • Image 4 of 56
  • Added 11 Sep 2004
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Abstract mixed media. Copyright: Hilton Harris 2004. Another piece that I drew a couple of months ago. I used what markers I had and then finished the work, adding more colors with Microsoft Paint. The shaped interact to the point where the colors begin to edge up against themselves and the design is lost if you don't have enough colors. Of course the design is what's important. It doesn't really matter what colors you use as long as they make each portion of the design stand out. A lot of my art teachers in school and other people that have viewed my work comment that it is too busy (hence the name of this piece). However, if I try to create designs that are less busy I'm never happy with the result. An abstract piece has to have something about it that makes it interesting to look at. My pieces pull your eye here and there. They force you to keep roaming around. They force your eye and your mind to move. That movement becomes part of the intricacy of the piece it's self.

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 25 Mar 2012

time to take out the trash. Today our manager was shown the door. We all cpplaed. It was like a breath of fresh air. The first thing employees started doing is ripping down the maps that this numbskull had been working on for the last year. We decided to mail it to his home so he has something to read while on the unemployment line. I wish every employee who has suffered under these insane policies to feel the liberation of having their managers shown the door.

judit dora 12 Jul 2008

Great lively colors. I love it.

Brandi Wilson 31 Jan 2007

I like this one. beautiful.

Anonymous Guest 31 Jan 2007

It's alive !! You have captured the magic power of COLOR !!!excellent!

Doris B. Lambling 30 Jan 2007

exicting, moving, truely frenetic - great!