• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 28 Jun 2012
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The Great Recovery: Changing the World, One Soul at a Time By Alowisha and RJJA-------- To those who give, more shall be given.--------- Although true tithing is the giving to oneself of the divine sacred soul-energy, there is much to be said about the tithing during one’s lifetime from an earthly perspective. This tithing, having nothing to do with the church, is one of immense value to the uplifting of one’s spirit. It is shared with others and benefited by all. Many people know of it as, “an act of random kindness,” or “paying it forward.”------------------------ Everyday papers are littered with sensationalism; stories of war, drugs, rape, and warnings of economic hardship. Sir Mervyn King, Bank of England Governor, recently spoke to the Treasury Select Committee, stating that, he is “pessimistic” about the global economic short-term recovery. He believes that it has gone on much longer than expected and that it’s not even half way over. How then, we ask, can we all change our world view: the way we look at the world, the way we live in it, and the way we interact with one another? Please join us in our goal of helping to change the world, one soul at a time. ------------------------------------ Why is it that 2% of the population on the planet owns 98% of the wealth? Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, once said that only 2% of the people who have learned his legendary principles for success have actually used them successfully. The question now becomes, how can everyone succeed at what ever it is that they desire? Well, the answer is so simple that it just might astound you. In fact, it is so simple that even a child can do it. The answer can be found in one word: meditation, but not just any meditation. -------------------------------------- Did you know that meditation is now considered one of the best ways to relax, to become motivated, to heal your body, and to create? Yes, we said create. It is true that meditation can help you to live a full, happy, loving, and balanced life. However, our unique meditation can take you one step further because we know, and understand, that creation is the key ingredient to the success that 98% of the population is searching for. We have found it, and so can you (See Alowisha‘s Youtube For “How To Create The Life That You Desire, Parts I-III”).----------------------------- Bob Proctor’s book, Become a Magnet to Money Through The Sea of Unlimited Consciousness, referred to meditation in that, “Its’ an awesome power. When we meditate we are consciously connecting, in the silence to our higher power.” What is our highest power? It is our subconscious mind, as it connects to the infinite cosmic sea.-------------------------------------------------- So what is this unique meditation? It’s The Song of the Sea, and you can do it right now by simply breathing into and out of your sun/solar plexus while sitting on your beach in quiet contemplation. Here, you can search within by using your mind’s eye for that single moment in time; the moment when you can see and remember what it was like to be a small child, barefooted in the grass or on the sand, as you ran, played, jumped and laughed with joy. This is all remembering who you were, understanding who you are now, and deciding/creating who you want to become. While in this space, think of a time when you had been kind to someone in the past. Perhaps you may have said a kind word, given of your time to another, or handed money to someone in greater need than yourself. Well, we are looking for that special story, and we know that everyone has at least one........and if you can’t think of one in this moment, create one today!----------------------------------------- “You must be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi --------------------- How will you be the change? Put a coin/change in the fountain above and comment or give a brief explanation about your donation in the “image comment” section here below. If you would like to submit your complete story for the book, you may “email artist/author’s” in the link above.


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Karen Helsing 03 Jul 2012

Very well expressed. There will indeed be a new heaven and a new earth after Jesus returns! There will be no death, sorrow, suffering, crying, or any pain!

Chris Roukema 28 Jun 2012

Great Work, Ron!!!!!! I'll toss the Kind Act one in!!!!!!