• JMichael Piper
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  • Image 72 of 205
  • Added 21 Jun 2012
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Ship Of Death - Chasing Her Enemy

In his cabin, a Captain in the British Royal Navy has settled into an easy chair. He lights his pipe, gazing out the window onto the wide open sea watching the moon break the surface of the oceans horizon. All of a sudden he hears his crew making an extremely loud noise up on deck. There is a quick rapid knock on his door. He says to enter. The crewman comes into the Captains quarters and doesn't say a word, but points out the window...about three hundred yards behind them the Ship Of Death appears and begins following them and getting closer by the minute. They had all been schooled and told about the ship and what the crew who was aboard this very vessel ten years before this crew had taken their place, had done to 'The Misery'. The Captain turned white and started shouting on his way up to the deck, "Full canvas!" This meant to get the ship going full speed with the wind in her sails...would this ship be able to outrun the deadly haunted ship? ...to be continued... ...John Michael Piper *GO-SEE-HEAR-AND- EXPERIENCE THIS WEBSITE, AND GET YOUR FREE DESKTOP IMAGE DESIGNS, SCREEN SAVERS, THEMES AND MUCH MORE FOR THE 2012 YEAR...IT'S ALL AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.CO M* ( http://www.artimationsdesignc omp.com/ ) *Check it out...Then check it out again~ ArtimationsDesignComp.Com™ ©2012 John Michael Piper All Rights Reserved J.M.Piper©2012 All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 25 Jun 2012

What beautiful art and strange mystery!

ruth sears 22 Jun 2012

love reading the story line to these,will check back to see what happens next,great digital work again,love the blue/purples~

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Aha! So I have intrigued you eh? Heheee! Thanks for the visit and comment!