• Basant Soni
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  • Added 09 Apr 2012
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Glory Before sun rise

Hibiscus in My Garden morning view

5 of 17 Comments Show All 17 Comments

Anonymous Guest

zeljko rogic 02 Apr 2020


Vernonette Gaddy 02 Oct 2014

Very well done floral photograph- the flower also reminds me of a goldfish. :)

Anonymous Guest 05 Apr 2014

How can we ensure that the plubic’s health remains at the heart of the NHS?Public health should be an integral part of all NHS and local authority business. Too often plubic health is seen to be an NHS responsibility but it is everybody’s business. Public health should have a ‘cradle to grave’ philosophy it should work with and understand communities and what makes them ‘tick’. I believe one of plubic health’s roles should be to translate health benefits into simple language, to encourage the plubic to take ownership of their health but this will only be achieved if the whole system works together. Public Health can not and will never do it on its own. We are interested in your views in this area, including:What role could NHS and health and care professionals effectively play in systematically delivering improved population health outcomes, including tackling inequalities? I believe that to improve health outcomes and tackle inequalities the whole system must work together. Too often organisations work in isolation to each other: if the whole system worked together and this is not the same as integration, the outcomes would be much greater and health inequalities would reduce. For example why is it that rehabilitation takes place in hospital or social care settings, when it could be achieved working in partnership with local authority leisure services? Why do we need allied health professionals to deliver falls prevention programmes when this could be achieved using physical fitness instructors? We need to understand what make communities behave the way they do, we must move away from a ‘one size, fits all’ model of delivery and move towards person centred delivery at a neighbourhood level. Public health has a major role to play in shaping the way health services are delivered but health needs to learn how to work with colleagues in housing, education, leisure, environmental health, other emergency services, and the private and third sector. Too many health professionals believe that if it’s not a medical model it won’t work. Local evidence suggests otherwise but the big issue is getting decision makers in health to be open to this way of working. Public Health should be everyone’s business, therefore I personally don’t believe that plubic health should sit in any one ‘camp’ it should have the ability to influence delivery in all. Public Health reports should set priorities for commissioners and commissioners should report back to plubic health if they fail to deliver against set priorities.What are the mechanisms that commissioners, providers and the wider system could use to help support professionals in improving outcomes? Mechanisms need to change; there is a reliance on ‘safe systems’. Commissioners need to build commissioning intentions on the needs of communities rather than budgetary or safe system needs. I also believe that stakeholders and ‘market research’ should play an important role in how services are commissioned. Too often we ask stakeholders to get involved but unfortunately they are not listened to and are certainly not permitted to contribute to decision making. The example I use relates to large business organisations. They would not consider putting a product on a shelf or in a showroom if they had not carried out market research. Why is it that health thinks it knows what people want to ‘buy into’ or is it that there is nothing else on offer, so its a case of take it or leave it.Current mechanisms within health are not flexible. They do not offer opportunity for new and innovative solutions to long standing problems. Going back to the business sector they have a product life cycle. When the product is at its peak, organisations are already planning a replacement. This does not mean that they scrap the old one they simply refine it and launch it in plenty of time to get people to want to buy the new model. We could learn a lot from the business sector.How can we ensure that the NHS’s role in the plubic’s health aligns with the roles of Public Health England and local authorities? Stop thinking that the centre knows best. Start listening to communities and start working with each other. That does not mean integration it simply means learning about each other and working together for the benefit of all.How can the NHS contribute to people’s health and wellbeing in its role as a large employer? As a current large employer the NHS is doing very little for the health and wellbeing of its staff. Staffs are stressed, worried and angry. They haven’t got a clue what the future holds and unfortunately this is now being translated out to the wider plubic. The NHS needs to portray a positive self image to promote health and wellbeing. At present from where I sit there is very little to be positive about. The NHS Future Forum’s work on the NHS’s role in the plubic’s health is led by Vicky Bailey and Ash Soni.

Joanie Holliday 20 Mar 2014


Kate Gallagher 20 Mar 2014

Gorgeous floral!