• Brandy Gentile
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  • Added 20 Jul 2011
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moose in the city

young male moose in city park

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M Smith 21 Jul 2011

They are so cute! I can't imagine them just walking around everywhere but I'd be stalking them for photos!

Artist Reply: Two young moose wandered into the city last winter, first moose I've ever seen! They spent more than a month in the park, crossing the ice from a couple islands to walk through the parks at night...mostly staying out of sight. The bigger young male (not pictured) was shot several times with tranquilizers and died on his way out of the city to an animal reserve. The smaller male (in the picture) wandered alone for weeks, and when the lake started melting, couldn't cross to the islands during the light hours. He hung around an area of trees, this is the third time, and last time, I saw him. He was so cute! Heard he was moved successfully out of the city.