• Robert Tittle
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  • Added 04 May 2011
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Surfing Hawaii

Surfing Hawaii 16x20 While visiting my daughter Kim and her husband Mike, who resided in beautiful Hawaii at the time, I could not resist painting scenes of that wonderful place. I was spellbound by the size of the waves, and spent over an hour trying to get up on a surfboard, until a surfer finally told me what I was doing wrong. When I did get up, the wave carried me all the way to shore. I was so tired, I gave up, and didn’t go back out. The waves are so beautiful, I decided to paint them instead of trying to ride them.


Anonymous Guest

Debi Day 31 Jul 2011

wonderful work! So talented!

Artist Reply: Thank you Debi for viewing my work and give the nice comment.

pamela jones 31 Jul 2011

Lovely work, very well done Robert

Artist Reply: THANK YOU PAMELA I’m honored to have someone with your talent appreciate my art.

Diane Duran 30 Jul 2011

wonder painting, great memories you shared.

Artist Reply: Thank you Diane I truly appreciate your comment.