• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 19 Nov 2010
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Eruption Destruction

Throughout the history of this planet we call earth and our home, there have been catastrophies of biblical proportions. Floods, hurricains, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms and many more that have shaped and made this planet what it is today. We being human and one of the most powerful beings to inhabit this planet are merely a small ticker of time when compared to how long this great world has been here. And in the time before we came to populate this planet, everything happened according to the way it has been and was supposed to be. Then a species came to inherit the earth, and they were magnificent beasts that seemed completely without knowing they would perish and become extinct in just a short time. Millions of years went by before another race of beings rose up and became what we are today. And even today, we have natural events that are becoming catastrophic right in front of us...things like global warming and ozone depletion and much more. The beasts of the jurrasic periods had no control over what happened to them, even though they seemed invincible and there would be no way the T-Rex could ever be killed off. But us human beings have a large control over what happens on this planet and we seem to be failing at that. When our immune system is down, we tend to be more vulnerable to disease and we get things like a cold, or the flu or even things as deadly as H.I.V., and when that happens life has changed some. This planet has become vulnerable and if we don't do something to cure the flu this planet has...it could become fatal...and then we would become what the dinosaurs are... obliterated into extinction...or worse. ....as usual, just my thoughts. ....John M. *GO CHECK OUT THE NEW HOLIDAY DESIGN ON MY WEBSITE AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.COM* **Check out ArtimationsDesignComp.com at: http://www.artimationsdesigncomp.com/ ***Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper©2010, All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

Noah Maggio 03 Jan 2013

Nice,-Very Nice---

Artist Reply: *Hi Noah! Thanks so very much for your comment!

Brenda Loveless 20 Nov 2010

stupendous work! that includes the deep thoughts~ Happy Thanksgiving, Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Thanks so much! Yeah got a little heavy but sometimes they need to be, especially concerning this topic. Thanks again and you have a wonderful thanksgiving too!

Emily Reed 20 Nov 2010

Awesome, Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Emily! Thanks so very much! I always appreciate your kind words! Thank you again and have yourself a merry little holiday!!

ruth sears 19 Nov 2010

I love what you wrote here,I so agree and am terribly concerned about our planet and the other species that share it with us,they call this another of the great extinctions,seems almost all species out there are threatened or endangered,man may see himself added to the list as everything is interconnected and with the rain forests vanishing,the balance is lost,wish everyone felt as we do,time is running out.I do want to commend you on this work as well,a very powerful stunning image,I love all your work and this is right up there with your best!!!

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Yes, this great world of ours is in danger! I don't know if it will happen in our lifetime, but it sure could...a chain of events could happen that could lead to the total collapse of this modern world that has been so good to us. It's such a shame to say this but, one-on-one as individuals, we are perfect people with all good intentions... but human beings as a whole and on a grander scale, we are really blowing it bad...man has destroyed so much of this planet and for what.... of course, $$$$$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$! Money is not just the root of all evil, it has become Pandoras open box and has brought the story of Soddam and Gamorrah into the midst of our lives. Thanks so much for all your great comments Ruth! I totally appreciate it! TC and have a great weekend!