• Karen Helsing
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 71 of 75
  • Added 13 Oct 2010
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Heartache City


Anonymous Guest

Deborah Sussex 07 Sep 2012

Have you had your work in a gallery and if so, where can we see it? If not, it should be. It's soulful, Karen. Love it!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Deborah! Can you e-mail me a list of galleries?

Gina Cowins 11 May 2012

Keep up the good work.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Gina. I certainly will.

John Cappello 13 Feb 2012

I'm feeling this Now, But I recommended going through this many times a year,(makes You tough as a Rhino) And I've learned that to Win one should show No Emotion to the other person.

Artist Reply: I know how it is. Whether showing no emotion to the other person is the way to win depends on who the other person is. If the person broke your heart on purpose, yes. If, on the other hand, it was a misunderstanding, hiding your emotions can make the problem worse.


The Title and this Striking artwork is a brilliant collaboration,my Friend!!!Very moving and powerful!!!God Bless!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! Some of my art is in both AW Calendars!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 14 Oct 2011

what a unique and special and great site you have!!!! love it!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! I love your art too!

Amy Yampanis 04 Oct 2011

boy don't I know this feeling!!!

Artist Reply: We all get our hearts broken sometimes. We find that someone close to us no longer cares. When we do, we go through a period of grief, then gradually get over it. Life goes on.

Anonymous Guest 21 Aug 2011

Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of knlowdege?!

Artist Reply: What would you suggest I charge?

Anonymous Guest 20 Aug 2011

Walking in the presence of ganits here. Cool thinking all around!

Artist Reply: Thank you.

Anonymous Guest 20 Aug 2011

If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a pohton torpedo.

Artist Reply: I'm kind of curious as to what a pohton torpedo is, but I get the feeling you're alluding to the close interaction between the body and the mind.
Artist Reply: I looked up pohton torpedoes online and I get the feeling you consider my image quite explosive!

yves colas 11 Aug 2011

great realisation;nicely done.

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it. I like your pictures, too.
Artist Reply: Thank you. I'm glad you like my art. You do wonderful pictures yourself.

M Smith 30 Jun 2011

Good representation of heartache & sadness!

Artist Reply: Thank you. I created this one during a time of heartache.

Anthony M. Benjamin 29 May 2011

all my life sad love songs touched my heart in a special way, and this pictures moves my soul without a word or melody, exceptional work !

Artist Reply: Thank you I'm glad you like it. They say one picture is worth a thousand words.

Caballero Salguero 28 May 2011


Artist Reply: Thank you.
Artist Reply: Thank you.

Mary-Lee Sanders 19 May 2011

Very strong image heartache.

Artist Reply: It's meant to be. I'm sorry I'm late getting back to you. The internet in our area went down because of stormy weather in our area.

Nira Dabush 06 May 2011


Artist Reply: Thank you and God bless you. I'm managing. Some of my friends tell me I'm easy to talk to. One lady thinks I'm more interesting than I think I am and is always telling me to assert myself more.

Anonymous Guest 20 Apr 2011

WOW, you put your heart and soul into each work, your work is very cool

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like my work. I hope you continue to visit my portfolio on artwanted.com.
Artist Reply: This work is for sale! Visit the purchase option menu on my portfolio for details.

ruth sears 12 Apr 2011

great title for this!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like my creation and the title.

Richard Cooper 03 Mar 2011

wow very good

Ginger Lovellette 25 Feb 2011

Super depiction of a heartbreak!

Sigridur Bachmann 25 Feb 2011

Very nice one Karen !