• T. Byron K.
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  • Added 27 Jun 2004
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Second Coming

"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you." Isaiah 66:13 "It is plain that there are two classes in our educated community: first, those who confine themselves to the facts in their consciousness;and secondly, those who super add sundry propositions.The aim of a true teacher now would be to bring men back to a trust in God and destroy before their eyes these idolatrous propositions: to teach the doctrine of the perpetual revelation." R.W.Emerson-The Harvard Divinity School Address-- Upon the edge of Eternity~Standing now upon the other side of that cross; O this Love to conquer frozen darkness entirely amid the chances for newer prayer or Hell's violence/ as the latter light filters through those gently falling leaves[against this magenta September sky]- and Ghostly wanderings through stillness, in between later Summer's deep green descending/ as it is the Autumn of our enmity again/ soon tall grasses lilt and wither and we will wait inside this cause of Love/ Of your second coming again, O Lord/ So long and after the Fall- When our hearts will be entrusted to Forever. August 2000 Revised 11/20/2005 From "Advent-Omega" Painting-Copyright 1999 T. Byron K.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 05 Aug 2006

This one it just to beautiful for words great job!!!

Artist Reply: you are very kind and thank you!

Christine brand 08 Jul 2006

Very interesting work...

Artist Reply: thank you!