






Artist Bio

Born in Brittanny/France near the ocean, Member of the Taylor Foundation. Silver medal "Académie Arts Sciences et Lettres " in Paris resigned from teaching at the end of my studies to go on painting as a professional painter. Then I studied one year in an artschool in Nice and went as an au-pair in Cologne/Germany where I studied in a private art school. 1971/75 Hoch Schule für Bildene Kunst (Art school) West Berlin, poems Illustrations and various salons (Cologne, Berlin), I sold my paintings in the street Kurfürstendam in Berlin.

1976 Back to Quiberon, I paint and sell in my own studio Galerie ART+ Personnal exhibitions ***ITALY : Capri ***FRANCE : Pontivy, Redon Concarneau, Sainte Maxime, Lorient, Redon, Saint Malo, Billiers, Nantes, Thouaré, Vannes, Gavres, Lorient, Arzal, Pluvigner, St Jean de Luz ***SAOUDIA ARABIA : Djeddah ***USA : Pittsburgh/Pensylvania, Saint Louis/Missouri ***Germany : Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Kempten, Barmstedt, Pinneberg, Hambourg *** JAPON : Mieken Group Exhibitions - Art fairs ***FRANCE : Belle-Île, Marseille (prix d'excellence), Vannes, Plescob, Treflean, Bizoles, Toulon (silver medal) Paris (3ème prix salon artistes de France), Arles (prix d'excellence), Cannes (Diplôme d'honneur), Riom, Deauville (grande finale), Lorient, Nice, Carquefou , Nantes, Landivisiau December 1999 Salon de l'Assemblée Nationale à Paris, UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF Mrs Fabius *** GERMANY : Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Kempten *** USA : Dallas, New York (silver medal) *** BELGIA : Brussel

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