






Artist Bio

Stephie Stone is a freelance artist who has been creating fun and fantasy images for over a decade and a half. She has a fondness for wildlife, fairy tales and sci-fi. Stephie has a B.A. in Fine Arts from Valdosta State University but credits most of her art knowledge to early inspirations like Robin James, Eastman & Laird, and Sue Dawe. When asked what tips she can give to younger artists it is almost always "Practice, Practice, Practice! Draw every day, just like dancing and sports the more you do it the better you will become!" She is also the winner of the 2005 Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration.

Besides creating artwork for Stephie has a variety of other outlets for her art. She has created a line of funky little horses called Poseur Ponies that are available on T-Shirts and various posters and swag. ( She has also attained Pro-Dev status on IMVU a 3D chat system and dress up game where she makes fantasy themed avatars, skins, clothing, and accessories. She goes by the moniker of 'LadySaturnyne' there. (

In addition to her fantasy art she is also the artist for the published comic Anubis, Guardian of the Tomb. Issue two is scheduled to come out soon and there are plans to convert it to a web comic as well.

Lastly Stephie has offered up a variety of very informational Free Video Tutorials on Youtube ( on topics such has how to draw, ink, and on watercolor paint. More tutorials are on the way too!

Stephie visits the forums now and again but she is easily reached by E-Mail and is always happy to discuss art, take suggestions for future projects, or the latest news on her favorite shows and books. You can contact her at cybercatgraphics at yahoo dot com

Stephie sells prints and original art via her web site ( ) and is available for private commissions. Stephie is always interested in working with others and welcomes further opportunities to do character design, novel covers and other commercial art venues.

Artist Highlights